CH Purrfectfold Posh PIper
Black and White Folded Eared Scottish Fold Female
S: CH Barcoo Aussie Mate of Ouachita
D: CH Purrfectfold's Dutchess
Status: Retired
Piper is Living with Katie and Family!
CH Purrfectfold Posh PIper
Black and White Folded Eared Scottish Fold Female
S: CH Barcoo Aussie Mate of Ouachita
D: CH Purrfectfold's Dutchess
Status: Retired
Piper is Living with Katie and Family!
Purrfectfold Harry N T's Mieux
Cream Mackerel Tabby Scottish Fold
S: CH Ouahita QB'Z Harry Hotspur
D: CH Purrfectfold Ginger's Storminstripe
Status: Retired
Purrfectfold Merlin's Cash Maryanne
Blue Mackerel Tabby and White Scottish Fold
S: Purrfectfold MerlinZGotSpots
D: Micpurrz Cashmere of Purrfectfold
Status: Retired
Maryanne is Retired and Will Make a Great Family Member!
CH Purrfectfold’s Stylin Hootie
Silver mackerel tabby patched folded scottish fold
S: CH Furrytails Rubiyat of Purrfectfold
D: Micpurrz Cashmere
Status: Retired
GC Purrfectfold BK’S Katniss Ivette
Silver Mackerel Tabby-White Folded Scottish Fold
S: Ch Ouachita Buster Keaton(bsh)
D: GC Purrfectfold Katniss
Status: Retired
Micpurrz Vanessa of Purrfectfold
Black and white van folded scottish fold
S: Thissel Down Ante Yup of Cantie
D: Amber Snow Gert of Micpurrz
Status: Retired
Rumfold Mya of Purrfectfold
Brown classic tabby scottish fold folded
S: Rumfold Hazelnut
D: Rumfold Aida
Status: Retired
CH Purrfectfold Griddlez Pathced Alexi
Dilute calico folded scottish fold
S: CH Benfields ClassyDuncan of Ouachita (bsh)
D: CH Purrfectfold Lady Griddlebone
Status: Retired
Purrfectfold Bluz IZ Frosted
Blue and white long coated folded scottish fold
S: Quietime’s Show Biz of Purrfectfold
D: Ouachita Rum Tum Tugger (bsh)
Status: Retired
Purrfectfold Travertine
Red mackerel tabby and white folded scottish fold
S: CH Benfields ClassyDuncan of Ouachita (bsh)
D: CH Purrfectfold Ginger’s StorminStripe
Status: Retired
CH Micpurrz Kerfuddled of Purrfectfold
Brown classic tabby-white long coated scottish fold
S: Thissel Down Maestro of Micpurrz
D: Micpurrz Kerfuffle
Status: Retired
CH Purrfectfold Mussette
Brown mackerel tabby folded scottish fold
S: CH Ouachita Muddy Bluz Bozley
D: CH Purrfectfold Ginger’s Storminstripe
Status: Retired
GCH Purrfectfold Katniss
Calico folded shorthaired scottish fold
S: CH Benfields ClassyDuncan of Ouachita (bsh)
D: CH Purrfectfold Darcette
Status: Retired
CH Purrfectfold Rubens Lovly Thomasina
Long Haired Tortioshell Folded Scottish Fold
S: CH Purrfectfold Rubenstein
D: Ouachita Rum Tum Tugger (bsh)
Status: Retired
CH Purrfectfold Darcette
Silver classic folded scottish fold
S: CH Muru Darkstranger Darcy Go America (bsh)
D: CH Earigami Chat Your Ears Off
Status: Retired
CH Purrfectfold Jenga’s Classy Charli
Calico folded scottish fold
S: CH Benfields ClassyDuncan of Ouachita (bsh)
D: Purrfectfold Jenga
Status: Retired
Purrfectfold Lizzy
Silver spotted and white folded scottish fold
S: Quietime’s Show Biz of Purrfectfold
D: Earigami Wildkat of Purrfectfold
Status: Retired
Purrfectfold Tatiana
Brown mackerel tabby folded scottish fold
S: CH Earigami Quid of Ouachita (bsh)
D: Kittyfield Slvr Soda
Status: Retired
Purrfectfold Patched Prizcilla
Silver patched tabby scottish fold folded
S: CH Muru DarkStranger Darcy Go America (bsh)
D: CH Purrfectfold MS Aberdeen
Status: Retired
Kittyfield’s Fanci Pantz of Purrfectfold
Silver spotted tabby and white folded scottish fold
S: Angelwispurr Sterling of Kittyfield
D: Kittyfield’s Cat and the Fiddle
Status: Retired
CH Earigami Dazzl’er of Purrfectfold
Black and white folded scottish fold
S: CH Ouachita Shearstone of Earigami (bsh)
D: CH Earigami Superstition
Status: Retired
CH Purrfectfold FireFroFiddle
Tortoiseshell folded scottish fold
S: CH Belnute Winston of Ouachita (bsh)
D: MS Mouser of Purrfectfold
Status: Retired
Kittyfield Slvr Soda of Purrfectfold
Silver spotted tabby folded scottish fold
S: Kittyfield’s Cornelius
D: Kittyfield’s Razzle
Status: Retired
CH Purrfectfold Lady Griddlebone
Tortoiseshell folded scottish fold
S: CH Sunami Oliver Twist of Ouachita (bsh)
D: Victoria of Purrfectfold
Status: Retired
CH Purrfectfold Bombalurina
Black smoke folded scottish fold
S: CH Purrfectfold StruttinMyStripes
D: Nuisance of Purrfectfold
Status: Retired
CH Purrfectfold Ginger’s StorminStripe
Brown patched mackerel tabby fold
S: CH Gogocats Storm Cloud of Ouachita(bsh)
D: K & K’s Padaloma
Status: Retired
Purrfectfold Ginger’s Storminstripe 2007-2008 Gulf Shore Region Best of Breed, Scottish Fold-Shorthair Division
Purrfectfold Dolcee’s Duckee
Blue patched classic tabby folded scottish fold
S: CH Purrfectfold StruttinMyStripes
D: MS Dolcee of Purrfectfol
Status: Retired
10-2016 Living in Texas
CH Purrfectfold’s Dutchess
Brown Patched Tabby-White Folded Scottish Fold
S: CH Furrytails Rubiyat of Purrfectfolds
D: Micpurrz Tuppence of Purrfectfold
Status: Retired
CH Purrfectfold HJ Primm
Calico Folded Scottish Fold
S: CH Ouachita QB’Z Harry Hotspur
D: McPurrz Hey Jude
Status: Retired
retired 2023 has a new loving family in Texas
CH Purrfectfold Briar Rose
Blue and White Folded Scottish Fold
S: CH Barcoo Aussie Mate of Ouachita
D: CH Earigami Chat Your Ears Off
Status: Retired
Retired 2023
Purrfectfold AK’s Rachel
Brown mackerel tabby and white folded scottish fold
S: CH Benefields Alfred IZ Blu of Ouachita
D: CH Micpurrz Kerfudled of Purrfectfold
Status: Retired
retired 2022
Florence Kristal Rose
Brown Patched Tabby-White Folded Scottish Fold Highlander
S: CH Zen Shiseido Sweet Melody*RU
D: Lukor-Fold Liu Jo
Status: Retired
Retired is Living in New York
CH Purrfectfold Rachel’s Jasmine
Silver Classic Van Folded Scottish Fold
S: CH Ouachita Buster Keaton
D: Purrrfectfold AK’s Rachel
Status: Retired
Jasmine is Available for Her New Loving Family!
CH Purrfectfold’s Full Color Autumn
Dilute Calico Folded Scottish Fold Highlander
S: CH Ouachita QB’Z Harry Hotspur
D: Micpurrz Vanessa of Purrfectfold
Status: Retired
Retired Living in Kentucky 2023
CH Purrfectfold’s Jude’s Fancy Krystal
Silver Classic Patched Tabby and White Folded Scottish Fold
S: CH Ouachita QB’Z Harry Hotpur
D: Micpurrz Hey Jude
Status: Retired
Retired Looking for a New Home...
Purrfectfold KM’S Dancin Dixie
Brown Mackerel Tabby and White Folded Scottish Fold
S: Purrfectfold MerlinzGotSpots
D: Micpurrz Kali of Purrfectfold
Status: Retired
Dixie is Retired, Full of Personality and Looking for New Hme
CH Purrfectfold’s Bicolored Gypsy
Silver Classic Tabby and White Folded Scottish Fold
S: CH Ouachita Buster Keaton
D: Rumfold Mya of Purrfecfold
Status: Retired
Retired Looking for a new home.. absolutely stunning!
Purrfectfold Penny R ChipsNHarry
Red Mackerel Tabby Scottish Fold Female
S: CH Ouachita QB’Z Harry Hotspur
D: Micpurrz Chips and Salsa
Status: Retired
retired 2023
CH Purrfectfold’s Rachel’s Maple
Brown Mackerel Tabby and White Folded Scottish Fold
S: CH Ouachita Buster Keaton
D: Purrfectfold AK’s Rachel
Status: Retired
Purrfectfold Merlin’s MZ T
Blue mackerel tabby and white Folded Scottish Fold
S: Purrfectfold MerlinZGotSpots
D: Micpurrz Katthissel of Purrfectfold
Status: Retired
Mz T is Retired and ready to join her new family!!
CH Purrfectfold Rhianna
Tortoiseshell Folded Scottish Fold
S: Purrfectfold MerlinZGotSpots
D: Purrfectfold’s Chatty Adele
Status: Retired
Purrfectfold EverIZFrosti Chilz
Blue Folded Scottish Fold
S: CH Ouachita’s Everette Bluz
D: Purrfectfold Bluz IZ Frosted
Status: Retired
Purrfectfold’s Kisska
Blue cream Folded Scottish Fold
S: CH Ouachita’s Everette Bluz
D: Purrfectfold Griddlez Patched Alexi
Status: Retired
retired 2023 Kisska is sweet, social and is looking for a family!
(Blue Cream Folded Scottish Fold Female)
S: CH Barcoo Aussie Mate of Ouachita
© Copyright Purrfect Folds Cattery. All Rights Reserved.